Search Results
Creating Healthier Patients & Practices: Integrative Dental Medicine with Dr. Witt Wilkerson
Creating Healthier Patients & Practices: Integrative Dental Medicine
875 Integrative Dental Medicine with DeWitt “Witt” Wilkerson, DMD : Dentistry Uncensored
Integrative Dental Medicine -- Dr. Witt Wilkerson
Dentists Role in the Health Care Crisis. Dr. Witt Wilkerson Dawson Academy Director Dental Medicine
The Movement Toward Health Centered Dentistry with Dr. Witt Wilkerson!
#272 - Is There A Better Way? with Dr. Dewitt Wilkerson
Humpday Happy Hour, Interview with Dr. DeWitt Wilkerson
JUMPSTART2021 Speaker Showcase - Dr. Witt Wilkerson
Episode #207: The Major Shift Ahead in Dentistry with Dr. DeWitt Wilkerson
Airway, Breathing, and Sleep - Dr. Witt Wilkerson Video 2
Dr. Reid Winick: What is Integrative Dentistry?